A Breakthrough in Pain Management Treatment!

Safe, Effective, Non-invasive, Non-pharmaceutical Treatment for Pain, Circulation and Neuromuscular Rehabilitation

neoGEN® #1 in Pain Management

The neoGEN® system is a state-of-the-art, technically-innovative medical device for producing Electric cell-Signaling energy waves (EcST and ESI).
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The system is used to successfully treat circulatory issues, all types of acute and chronic pain, long-term (intractable) pain, and drug-resistant pain. The neoGEN® also offers specific-parameter signaling for efficacious neuromuscular reeducation, muscle strengthening, and relaxation of muscle spasm activity.‍

Medical reports are available by written request. Contact RST-SANEXAS for more information.

Transforming Chronic Pain Management by Electric cell-Signaling Treatment (EcST)

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neoGEN® #1 in Pain Management

About Electric cell-Signaling Treatments

Electric cell-Signaling treatment (EcST) refers to the use of electronic signal energy waves produced by an ultra-high digital frequency generator (UHdfg). These therapeutic pulsed energy waves are comfortably and non-invasively delivered directly into the body’s desired anatomical region.

The neoGEN® system has numerous published medical journal reports and studies involving the successful treatment of multiple medical indications, syndromes, and pain associated with neurogenic conditions.

Treatment using the device is safe, non-invasive, effective, and non-pharmaceutical.
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Electric cell-Signaling Reported Clinical Benefits

Applications and Electric cell-Signaling protocols have been subjected to clinical trials. The results have been published in numerous academic, scientific, and medical publications and literature. The technologies efficacy is amply demonstrated by these published results and is reinforced anecdotally, through the testimonials of thousands of patients.
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  • Safe, effective, non-invasive and user-friendly treatment
  • Minimal potential for side effects, easily avoided
  • Extremely high patient compliance, outcome and satisfaction
  • Substantial reduction in out-bound patient referrals

  • Management and symptomatic relief of chronic long-term (intractable) pain
  • Adjunctive treatment of post-traumatic pain syndromes
  • Adjunctive treatment in the management of post-surgical pain conditions
  • Relaxation of muscle spasms
  • Neuro-muscular reeducation
  • Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy
  • Maintaining or increasing range of motion
  • Increasing local circulation
  • Immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent phlebothrombosis

The Science

Why Does Quantum Technology Hold so Much Promise for Pain Management?

 Many cell processes take place at the nanoscale (the world of atoms and subatomic particles). At that scale, matter stops behaving according to the laws of classical physics and starts demonstrating the unique properties of quantum mechanics. Quantum technology is set to revolutionize the way we think about health care, medical data, and even our own biology.

Pain treatment modalities and instruments that operate on quantum theory use resonance to increase energy in and between cells. Molecular resonance is best understood with an analogy in the macroscopic world. When a piano tuner strikes a tuning fork next to the piano, the specific piano string will vibrate when it is correctly tuned to the same frequency. Similarly, cells resonate and transfer energy between molecules very rapidly.

Doctor Resources


RST-SANEXAS neoGEN-Series® system uses specific-parameter electrical and energy frequency waves, along with harmonic resonance to enhance cellular chaos and synchronization. This stimulates and activates cellularrecovery processes(cAMP).

The neoGEN-Series® system usesspecific electronic signals to imitate, facilitate, exhaust or block the function of somatic, sympathetic or amacrine nerves. RST-SANEXAS devices provide a highly sophisticated electronic signal communications-level spread-spectrum frequency-hopping technology that delivers varied higher- frequency signal energy waves via special anatomical electrodes

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Patient Resources

The neoGEN® device is an Electric cell-Signaling device. Electric cell- Signaling Treatment (EcST) refers to the use of electronic signal energy waves produced by an ultra-high digital frequency generator (UHdfg). These therapeutic pulsed energy waves are comfortably and non-invasively delivered directly into the body’s desired anatomical region. The neoGEN–Series® signal energy waves, along with associated harmonic resonance frequencies, are used to physiologically imitate, exhaust or block certain functions of the amacrine, somatic or sympathetic nerve fibers for comprehensive patient treatment success. Even newer research involving electric signal energy waves with expanded and sweeping frequency at a quarter-tone scale rate are referred to as electric signal intonation (ESI).

Download "RST-Trifold-Patient-Guide.pdf"

Providers Testimonials

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Are you frustrated with the clinical outcomes of your patients?

RST-Sanexas is ready to assist you and your patients in the effective treatment of pain.

In the realm of rehabilitation and pain management, optimizing Range of Motion (ROM) is crucial for restoring mobility and overall quality of life. The neoGEN System, a pioneering device utilizing Electric Cell Signaling Therapy (EcST), offers a multifaceted approach to many indications including ROM.

For healthcare professionals seeking advanced solutions in ROM enhancement and broader therapeutic goals, the neoGEN System provides a solution.

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